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Andries Venter Iphrofayili
Andries Venter

Verified Customer

I bought a coffee filter from the UK. The vendor used DHL to deliver it to me. It only took 5 days from the UK to my house in South Africa - excellent service!!!

Andre Iphrofayili

Verified Customer

Wide selection of many things. Got it in a week from order date. Great courier service used. Nice that al cost is included. Great notification of where parcel is.

Joanna Trzcinski Iphrofayili
Joanna Trzcinski

Verified Customer

I love my new cloths they excellent don’t live marks on glass even mirrors. I just wish I can afford more so i can give them to others they can try how good they are. Posted is very expensive

Julie Iphrofayili

Verified Customer

I am from France I receive my product in time a new one as on the description Perfect ! I REALLY recommand Ubuy thay could permit to transport product from other countries and find the rare pearl So Thank you Ubuy 5 *****/5*****

Ong Chuan Jin Iphrofayili
Ong Chuan Jin

Verified Customer

First time I came across this UBuy and I find it is very Honest platform, when I purchased that time ,my friend told me to be careful of internet buying but I try and I am very satisfied with this UBuy

satyajit perera Iphrofayili
satyajit perera

Verified Customer

Most importantly I would recommend UBUY for Bringing all sorts of products which are rarely found with other popular e portals.Although the price of the products are a little higher due to import duties and freight charges, I would still recommend UBUY as the most reliable portal for bringing rare items From abroad.Best of luck.?

Mohammad Alhotailah Iphrofayili
Mohammad Alhotailah

Verified Customer

Excellent and Highly recommend The only thing that they have to look for, is the international shipping which is very high. Other things all great

Victor Stephen Iphrofayili
Victor Stephen

Verified Customer

I've had a smooth and amazing experience shopping on Ubuy. Delivery is always smooth and I don't have to worry about purchased items getting missing. I get updates as items move around, Great App.

hasan al mamun Iphrofayili
hasan al mamun

Verified Customer

Very Very first delivery, and original product and same photo same product, and packaging is very good no sketch and etc, but I feel very better ubuy shopping.

Rabaa Alateeqi Iphrofayili
Rabaa Alateeqi

Verified Customer

I'm Happy and Delightful ? Ubuy is Fast and because that I recommend it to my friends and they order A Coffee machine and it arrived so fast Thanks for Ubuy Team in USA , Kuwait & Uk

RAY PITCHER Iphrofayili

Verified Customer

It seemed to live up to expectations, with regular updates on arrival times, I had no issues with them. Everything arrived nicely and as specified, there are no initial complaints, it was a favourable service and the order went through direct.

Todd Dvorak Iphrofayili
Todd Dvorak

Verified Customer

Good service enabling purchase of products from United States that are shipped to Thailand. Many products are not available in Thailand that can be found in the US.

Peter Banerji Iphrofayili
Peter Banerji

Verified Customer

The last time I was disappointed with the way the order was handled as it took a month to deliver after several reminders & follow ups However on this occasion I was very satisfied as the order was delivered on schedule Will highly recommend UBuy

Lamisah Iphrofayili

Verified Customer

Very fast delivery! Living in Canada there’s a lot of things we don’t have here that’s readily available in the US. Loved how fast they had things shipped from the US to Canada and to my door.

Omarr James Garcia Iphrofayili
Omarr James Garcia

Verified Customer

It's been 2 years now when i started to online shop here in Ubuy. I am happy and satisfied on their service because it's fast and the packaging is good.

Gugue Iphrofayili

Verified Customer

Process was very efficient, no issues with customs, thought id have to pay additional fees but i didnt. Received package without any delays and was happy with my goods. Everything was in perfect condition. It was nice that i received notiification at each stage so i was able to keep track and not worry.

Lorraine Morris Iphrofayili
Lorraine Morris

Verified Customer

This was my first purchase from Ubuy and I was very impressed with the delivery, packaging etc. Will definitely be using your services again.

Karen Kemp Iphrofayili
Karen Kemp

Verified Customer

Found what I wanted with a relatively easy search, ordered and paid for it. Was delivered to me in New Zealand in a really good time frame.

customer Iphrofayili

Verified Customer

The service and feedback I received was excellent. I always knew exactly where my parcel was in the process. I appreciate your diligence and will buy from you again anytime, thank you

david ogbonnaya Iphrofayili
david ogbonnaya

Verified Customer

Ubuy has a very affordable custom and delivery fees. Product quality is top notch. Delivery is within estimated time. I wish Ubuy will always engage the services of DHL for dispatch, they are more competent than others.

Ubuy Sri Lanka
Isitolo Esihamba Phambili Samazwe Ngamazwe Sokuthenga Ku-inthanethi Semikhiqizo Yokunethezeka Nemikhiqizo Ephambili ngo-Sri Lanka

I-Ubuy Sri Lanka, ixhaswa yiminyaka yobuchwepheshe embonini ye-e-commerce, ime njengenye yamawebhusayithi amakhulu okuthenga online aqinisekisa ukulethwa komhlaba wonke kwemikhiqizo yaphesheya. Ipulatifomu yethu esebenziseka kalula, enamandla, nethembekile iyaziwa ngezinsizakalo zayo ezihlelwe kahle, njengoba sesithole ubufakazi obuningi obuhle bamakhasimende kanye nama-accolade embonini. Njengendawo yokumisa online yokuthenga, i-Ubuy Sri Lanka inika amandla amakhasimende ukufinyelela imikhiqizo ephezulu kakhulu nemikhiqizo ye-premium yaphesheya, evame ukungathandeki emakethe yendawo. Isitolo sethu siyikhaya leqoqo elingalingani lemikhiqizo yakamuva yasendaweni neyomhlaba jikelele, ekunikeza isipiliyoni sokuthenga esiyingqayizivele esingaqhathaniswa namanye amapulatifomu.

Sebenzisa ithuba lokuthola amadili amahle okuthenga we-inthanethi nezaphulelo lapho uthenga endaweni yesikhulumi se-Ubuy enamakamelo amaningi. Sisebenzisa ubuchwepheshe obunqenqemeni kanye nezinhlelo zokuphepha eziqinile, kufaka phakathi isitifiketi se-SSL kanye namasango okukhokha aphephile, ukuqinisekisa isipiliyoni sokuthenga esingenamkhawulo nesivikelekile kuzo zonke izigaba zenqubo yakho yoku-oda. E-Ubuy Sri Lanka, ungahlola futhi uthenge izinto ezingenisiwe kusuka ebangeni elikhulu lemikhakha yomkhiqizo, konke kufakwe ngaphakathi kwethu isitolo somkhiqizo womhlaba jikelele. Izigaba zethu ezithandwa kakhulu zifaka Imfashini nobucwebe, Ama-elekthronikhi, Izingcingo Zamaseli Nezesekeli, Ingane noToddler, Izimpahla Zasekhaya, Amakha nama-Fragres, Ubuhle Nokunakekelwa Kwakho, Ezemidlalo Namathuluzi, Impahla & IGear yokuhamba, Izincwadi, Izithuthi, Ukudla kwama-Grocery & Gourmet, Ezempilo Nekhaya, Amathuluzi Nokuthuthuka Kwasekhaya futhi Imikhiqizo yasehhovisi.  

Khetha i-Ubuy Sri Lanka ngesipiliyoni sokuthenga esingalinganiwe se-inthanethi esiletha umhlaba emnyango wakho, uqinisekise ukuthi uthola imikhiqizo emihle kakhulu emakethe yomhlaba wonke ongayinikeza. Ukwaneliseka nokuphepha kwakho kuyizinto ezibaluleke kakhulu kithi, futhi sizibophezele ukuletha ubuhle kuzo zonke izigaba zohambo lwakho nathi.

Izigaba zodumo
Izigaba Zomkhiqizo Othengiswa Kakhulu ku-Ubuy Sri Lanka

Khetha ukuthenga emikhakheni yemikhiqizo edumile yakwa-Ubuy efana ne-Electronics, Omakhalekhukhwini Nezesekeli, Ikhishi kanye Nendawo yokudlela, Izincwadi kanye Nemikhiqizo Yasehhovisi.. Thola imikhiqizo yakho evela kwamanye amazwe oyincamelayo kulezi zigaba.. Kunezihlungi ezihlukene ezitholakalayo zokusesha imikhiqizo yakho edingekayo kanye nokuthenga ngendlela esheshayo nephumelelayo.. Thola imikhiqizo enezimpawu zomhlaba wonke ilethwe emnyango wakho ngokukhululeka.  

Sinikeza okunikezwayo kokuthenga okuku-inthanethi okungcono kakhulu kwazo zonke izinto zika-elekthronikhi njenge-TV nevidiyo, umsindo wasekhaya nomculo, Amakhamera namaDrones, ubuchwepheshe obugqokekayo kanye nezinsiza zikagesi ukuze zihambisane nezidingo zakho futhi zifanele ibhajethi yakho. Iqoqo lethu lamaselula, amakhompyutha aphathekayo, ama-TV njll anikezwa ngezindlela eziningi ongakhetha kuzo kanye nezaphulelo zakamuva ezinikezwayo kanye nezaphulelo ezinikezwa unyaka wonke. Imikhiqizo namasevisi ekhwalithi ephezulu kukwenza ukwazi ukuthenga ku-inthanethi okujabulisayo.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

I-Ubuy ingesinye sezitolo ezingcono kakhulu eziku-inthanethi esinikezela ngeqoqo Lezikhwama Zezandla, Izingubo, Izimonyo, Ubucwebe, Amajini, Izikibha Nezicathulo ezitholakala ngamasayizi ahlukahlukene, umumo, imibala kanye nemiklamo ukunikeza injabulo enkulu kumakhasimende. Ukunakekelwa okukhethekile kuthathwa ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi imikhiqizo ehamba phambili kuphela efinyelela kuwe. Manje bukeka umuhle futhi umuhle ngohlu lwethu lwemikhiqizo yemfashini edumile etholakala ngokuchofoza inkinobho.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Uhlu lwethu lwamakha angavamile avela emikhakheni ehlukene yamakha atholakala ngezinhlobonhlobo zamakha ukuze ajabulise izinzwa zakho futhi akushiye uzizwa umangalisa. Zithuthukisa isimo sakho sengqondo futhi zikwenze uzizwe uqiniseka ngokwengeziwe futhi ungcono ngawe. Manje zama amakha ethu ukuze utotose izinzwa zakho futhi ubukise ngamakha akho nomaphi lapho uya khona futhi wenze isitatimende esinesibindi!!

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Thola okunikezwayo kwakamuva okuku-inthanethi namadili ahamba phambili kumaselula nezisetshenziswa zamaselula kwa-Ubuy. Sihlinzeka ngobubanzi obuguqukayo bamafoni aphathekayo anezincazelo ezehlukene ukuze zivumelane nokuthandayo nokuncamelayo komuntu ngamunye. Izinhlobo eziningi zomakhalekhukhwini ziyatholakala ukuze zikunikeze umuzwa omangalisayo ngamanani ancintisanayo. Thola umakhalekhukhwini wakho oyiphupho lapha futhi ugcwalise isifiso sakho sokuhlala uxhumekile ngesitayela.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Ukukhetha kwethu amakhompyutha aphathekayo amageyimu kunikeza ukuzijabulisa okunganqamuki futhi kujabulise kuwo wonke umndeni. Kukusiza ukuthi uxhume, uphumule futhi uhlole amakhono akho okudala. Amaphrosesa wekhwalithi ephezulu namasistimu omsindo kumakhompuyutha aphathekayo anikezela ngomuzwa wokudlala ogxilile kunanini ngaphambili.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Thuthukisa ukubukeka kwakho nobuntu bakho ngohlu lwethu olungavamile lwemikhiqizo yobuhle enegama elikunikeza ukunethezeka nokwaneliseka okukhulu. Imikhiqizo yethu ihlolwa ngokwezinga elikhulu ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi iyahambisana nesikhumba futhi inikeza ubuhle obuhlala isikhathi eside. Ngakho-ke bukeka umuhle futhi uzizwe umangalisa ngokukhetha okulungile.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Yisikhathi sokuthuthukisa ikhaya lakho futhi ulenze libengcono kungaphambili. Ngakho iqoqo lethu lemikhiqizo yokuthuthukisa ikhaya likusiza ukuthi wenze ikhaya lakho libe nempilo futhi libe lihle. Sinemibala eminingi, imiklamo, indlela yokwenza kanye nokwakheka okufanelana nokuhlobisa kwakho futhi sengeze ubukhazikhazi ekhaya lakho.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Zonke izinhlobo zemikhiqizo yasehhovisi ziyatholakala eqoqweni lethu. Akumele ubheke kwenye indawo ukuze uthole noma yiziphi izimpahla zakho zasehhovisi. Uzothola imikhiqizo yekhwalithi ephezulu enenani elifanele ukuze ihambisane nezidingo zakho ezithile khona lapha e-Ubuy.

Bheka Okwengeziwe

Ubuy siyaletsa.
Thenga Izimpahla Zangaphandle kusuka ku-Populated Global Brands Online eSri Lanka

Uma ufuna ingosi ekuvumela ukuthi uthenge imikhiqizo yamazwe ngamazwe kanye nezimpahla zakwamanye amazwe ku-inthanethi, kuyilapho uphumule ukunethezeka kwamakhaya akho, khona-ke i-Ubuy indawo ekufanele. Sigcina izimfuneko zamakhasimende ziphezulu ngenkathi sihlinzeka ngezinsizakalo ezisheshayo nezanelisayo. Thenga imikhiqizo edumile yamazwe ngamazwe online futhi ilethwe.

Hlala Uvuselelwe!
Thola Ukunikezwa Kokuthenga Okukhethekile Ku-inthanethi Nezaphulelo Emikhiqizweni Engenisiwe kwa-Ubuy

Thola amabhrendi angempela okunethezeka nezimpahla ezingenisiwe ku-inthanethi ngamanani aphusile esitolo sethu sezitolo esiku-inthanethi saphesheya. Thatha ithuba lamadili angakholakali kanye nezaphulelo esizikhipha ngezinsuku ezikhethekile nezimo ezihlukahlukene kuzo zonke izigaba zethu. Kungani Ulinda?. Thatha ithuba lakho elihle futhi wonge kakhulu kukho konke ukuthenga okwenzayo endaweni yezokuthenga yomhlaba ka-Sri Lanka, namuhla.